Here are some common questions about therapy. Reach out to us if you have other questions or to schedule a consultation.

Yes! All that and more. Check individual practitioner bios for more information about what each of us provides.

In your first few sessions, your therapist will focus on getting to know you. They want to understand who you are and how you got here. Sometimes they send you forms to fill out. Sometimes they ask lots of questions. It’s normal to feel impatient in the beginning – you’re hurting and you want to feel better. Yesterday. But if we do it well, this getting-to-know-you process can be what sets you up for good outcomes and helps you trust us. And we want this process to feel good to you – if a form feels overwhelming or you’re not ready to talk about the past yet, just tell us. After all… this is about you.

You don’t have to do much. After your consultation, please fill out the forms we send you as soon as you can. And then just think a little bit about what you would like to be different in your life and in yourself. Everything else will just unfold from here.

Typically, we like to see you for longer or more frequent sessions in the beginning and then taper off as you make progress. Weekly for 60-90 minutes is a common place to start. But every client is unique and it’s up to you. If you need mini sessions to get over initial nervousness or you can’t afford to every week, that’s ok. If you feel like you need twice a week, that’s ok, too. We will do everything we can to design a schedule and plan that meets your specific needs.

Look, not all therapists are great. We’ve had good and bad therapy, ourselves. Did your childhood therapy feel like total BS? Have you received diagnoses or meds that you disagree with? Been ghosted by a therapist? Give us a chance. We’re committed to being the kind of therapists you can really trust and feel safe with. We’ll do everything we can to help you have a better experience this time.

The first step is to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of us. The consultation is a video call about 15 minutes long and you can book it directly through this website or by filling out our contact form. During the consultation we will decide together if we are a good fit for what you want out of therapy. If we are a match, we can typically get you in within  a week or two for your first session.